At City Church we are committed to providing a safe environment for our Church. All volunteers of the City Church Connect Group Leader Team need to have completed the below steps in order to serve. If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact our team on 4720 6100.

How to Apply to Volunteer as a Connect Group Leader

1. Apply for a NSW Volunteer Working with Children Check through The Office of the Children’s Guardian (renewed every 5 years)

2. Complete Safer Churches Training (Refresher course every 3 years)

3. Complete Reportable Conduct Scheme Training  (one time only)

4. Complete the Connect Group Leader Volunteer Application Form

5. Complete the ACC Volunteer Declaration Form

6. Download the Connect Group Leader Team Manual

1. Working with Children Check

It is required that all volunteers that interact with children hold a current Working With Children Check (WWCC) Number. To apply for a WWCC Number with the Office of the Children’s Guardian please click the link below. Volunteer WWCC’s are free.

2. Safer Churches Training – Volunteers Essentials

We require all volunteers if working with children under 18 to undertake Safer Churches training. To begin your online training course please click the button below. The cost is $15.

Please ensure you navigate to the COURSES FOR VOLUNTEERS section. 
Ensure you complete on a DESKTOP NOT A MOBILE DEVICE.
When completed on a mobile, your progress can be lost if the screen locks, use a desktop to avoid this. 

3. Reportable Conduct Scheme Training

Please watch the short video below.

4. Connect Group Leader APPLICATION FORM

Please fill out this Volunteer form to serve as a Connect Group Leader at City Church

Connect Group Leader VOLUNTEER FORM Connect Group Leader VOLUNTEER FORM (Under 18)

5. ACC Workers (Paid or Volunteer) Declaration

This form is for anyone applying to volunteer at City Church, and is sent securely to our database.
Please print and sign both of these documents and send them to office@citychurchau.com
Or give them to your team leader,.

Please click here if you wish to view our privacy policy.

ACC Workers (Paid or Volunteer) Declaration ACC Workers (Paid or Volunteer) Code of Conduct

6. City Church Connect Group Leader Team Manual

Click below to download the City Church Connect Group Leader Team Manual. It has all the info for the City Church Connect Group Leader Team and what requirements there are for serving as a Connect Group Leader. 

City Church Connect Group Leader Team Manual