Dear Church,
We believe 2023 is a building year!
‘BUILD YOUR CHURCH’ is our prayer for the year ahead in alignment with
what Jesus proclaimed in Matthew 16:18 - “I will build my church, and all the
powers of hell will not conquer it”. God is always building, and He has placed
that spirit of a builder on the inside of each of us. He has promised to build
His church and we are called to partner with Him in that mission. This year
we believe faith foundations will be strengthened in Jesus, God’s church will
be expanded, new co-workers with Jesus will arise to build, disciples will be
constructed according to God's will, God’s house will be a home for the lost
and the found, and God's Kingdom will take ground, all to the glory of God!
Our lives are built by the master builder (JESUS) and by His grace, we have
become his co-workers in building His Kingdom. As God builds our lives brick
by brick, He is building His church. 1 Peter 2:5 calls us “living stones that God
is building into his spiritual temple.” We build one another up in faith, make
disciples, and share the good news as living stones and Jesus uses each one
of us to construct His church. The church is people, so when we are believing
for the church to be built, we are believing for people’s lives to be built up,
renovated, and transformed by the grace of God this year.
A building is constructed via thorough planning, solid foundations, consistent
construction works, regular inspections and according to the master
builder’s plan. Our lives are built the same way. A magnificent building is not
constructed overnight but rather over time. Ephesians 2:20-21 reminds us of
God’s plan to build our lives and together His church, “Together, we are his
house, built on the foundation of the apostles and the prophets. And the
cornerstone is Christ Jesus himself. 21 We are carefully joined together in
him, becoming a holy temple for the Lord.”
The wonderful message of God’s grace means that God works in us and
through us at the same time. We are all A WORK IN PROGRESS! Perfection
isn’t a requirement to be used by God.
Every brick is an important part of God’s building. We all have a part to play.
Look up, look around and find a way to contribute with what God has given
you. Sundays together are a picture of God’s building but equally, God works
in our every day, not just our Sunday.
We pray for God’s wisdom upon you and His supernatural strength within
you as you make plans by faith in 2023 and ARISE AND BUILD!
Much love,
Ben & Amy